General congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law
Birgit Weitemeyer will take part in the upcoming general congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law (IACL) in Asunción (Paraguay) from 23 to 28 October 2022. One of the many topics that will be covered during this congress is “The social enterprise: a new form of the business enterprise?” More than thirty national rapporteurs have been appointed by the general rapporteurs Dana Brakman Reiser and Steve A. Dean (New York).
Weitemeyer’s contribution
Weitemeyer has been selected as national rapporteur for Germany and will provide an overview of the concept of social enterprises in Germany. She will describe how one can distinguish social enterprises from traditional ventures and what role certifications play in this regard. She will outline how social enterprises in Germany are typically funded and financed.
As there are no specific legal forms for social enterprises in Germany, Weitemeyer will outline legal forms that are typically chosen for such entities. She also considers the extent to which the interests of stakeholders may be taken into account, what disclosure and reporting standards have to be met and how the German state supports corporations whose activities are considered to be of particular value to society. Her findings will be published in a conference volume and in an anthology by Mohr Siebeck.