On September 3, 2019, Bucerius Law School celebrated the 13th Graduation Ceremony of the Master of Law and Business Program.
Around 300 guests, among them family, friends, diplomats, internship supervisors and faculty members, attended the ceremony during which some 30 students from 20 countries donned in caps and gowns, proudly received their Master’s Degree.
Mr. Meinhard Weizmann, CEO of Bucerius Law School hosted the event which was opened with a speech from Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Katharina Boele-Woelki, Dean of Bucerius Law School and Ms. Christine Neuhaus, Executive Director/ Head of Funding Division, ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius.
This year’s keynote speech was given by Ms. Christina Schüttler, an MLB graduate of the class of 2015.
The prestigious DAAD Prize 2019 for outstanding academic performance and social engagement was awarded to Thanigai Adhavan Muthusamy. This year’s Best Teacher Awards for Law and Business were awarded to Professor Clifford Larsen for his course Foundations of Law and Professor Stephan Wagner for his course Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
Following the ceremonial enrolment of the Class of 2020, this wonderful evening continued with a reception in the foyer of the Helmut Schmidt Auditorium.