Dean Katharina Boele-Woelki meets with alumni in Shanghai

Dinner with new Bucerius Law School head kicks off newest regional group for Alumni Association.

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During a delegation visit to Shanghai, Bucerius Law School Dean Professor Dr. Dr. hc mult. Katharina Boele-Woelki met with Chinese alumni of the Law School for dinner.

A variety of delicious local dishes in a relaxed atmosphere offered a nice setting for getting to know one another. The Chinese alumni were pleased at the opportunity to meet the new dean and learn from her about the latest developments at Bucerius. The majority of alumni present came to the Law School as part of the international exchange program or as MLB students and now enjoy careers in Shanghai or Beijing. Aside from the exchange of positive memories about the time in Hamburg, the evening saw an interesting conversation about differences in professional practice between the two countries.

The dinner served as a first event to breathe life into a “Greater China” regional group for the Bucerius Alumni Association. The newly established group aims to promote exchange between Chinese and German alumni and will host regular activities in both countries to support this effort.