Karsten Schmidt recognized with honorary title

On the occasion of his 80th birthday, Jan 24, 2019, Bucerius Law School awarded the title of Honorary President to Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Karsten Schmidt.

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Schmidt served as President of the Law School from 2004 to 2012 where he continues to chair the division for corporate law. Within Germany, Schmidt is considered one of the most important figures in business law with his comments on the domestic commercial law code and stock corporation act serving as standard works.

Current Law School President Professor Dr. h.c. mult. Katharina Boele-Woelki reflected on the ceremony, "It is a great pleasure for us to recognize Karsten Schmidt with the Honorary Presidency of Bucerius Law School. His vitality, creativity and amiability are a shining example to all of us."

Professor Dr. Michael Göring, Chairman of the Board of the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius, spoke to Schmidt’s lengthy academic career and longtime affiliation with the Bucerius community in recognizing him: "As a member of the board of the ZEIT Foundation as well as its board of trustees, Karsten Schmidt played a major role in the planning and development of Bucerius Law School. He served as the institution’s president for more than eight years and has been a professor for almost 15. As a lawyer, Professor Schmidt has enjoyed the highest reputation in research and teaching for 50 (!) years. The Honorary Presidency recognizes the merits of this extraordinary scientist and educator."

The Honorary Presidency was awarded as part of a festive gathering held on January 24. Acknowledging Prof. Schmidt’s lifelong love for music, the ceremony included musical interludes by the Law School orchestra and choir.