Meet: Christian – MLB student from Denmark

Each year people from all over the world come to study the Bucerius Master of Law and Business. In the Meet interviews they tell their stories.

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Where did you study before coming to Bucerius Law School? 

I studied at Aalborg University in Denmark, where I did my LLB and LLM. During my LLM, I studied for a semester at WWU Münster under the umbrella of the Erasmus+ program.


How is studying different here?

In terms of the content, the MLB differs from my previous studies by having its focus on the intersection between law and business, which provides us with the knowledge for understanding relevant business topics that are usually not taught as part of a law degree in Denmark.

I have also experienced a strong link between the theory taught and mutual focus on how it plays out in practice. This is partly made possible because of the extent of group work we do as part of the MLB compared to when I studied at Aalborg University. As a last thing, I would say that our relatively small class also makes the lectures more interactive, which I like.


Why did you decide on doing another Master in law and business?

There are multiple reasons for my decision to study a MLB at Bucerius Law School. One reason - and perhaps the main reason - is that I found the program’s focus very appealing. Not only in terms of the content, but also that it aims at young professionals with some job experience. In my opinion, this lifts the discussions in class, because we are all able to compare and make parallels to related issues we have encountered in our jobs, and not only to have a theoretical textbook approach.

Equally important, my decision was based on the MLB’s composition of a truly multinational class. This offers me a perspective that I would not be able to get if I continued working in Denmark or did some further education back in Denmark.


How does it benefit you career wise?

I think it’s enriching to have a look outside your own profession, which the MLB both by its curriculum and the composition of people offers a unique chance to do. Likewise, I do not think that there is one specific thing that benefits my career, but it is rather a combination of all the factors that compose the MLB that I will be able to benefit from in the future.


Why did you decide to come back to Germany to study?

Mostly because of the MLB program. It was a positive side effect that the school is in Hamburg. That said, Germany offers the possibility of expiring the dynamics of a huge country (on a European scale) in the heart of Europe.


How are Danish-German relations important right now and in the future? 

Germany and Denmark have many common interests on a European level, but also internationally. Economically, the German market is one of Denmark’s largest export markets. Strong relations and cooperation are also important as part of the endeavor to the transition into a greener energy sourcing, for instance the renewable energy reservoir that the North Sea offers, adjacent to both Germany and Denmark, that can be tapped by wind farms.

As a strong symbol of the importance of strong relations now and in the future, the Femern Tunnel which is expected to open in 2029 will integrate Germany and Denmark even more by making it possible to reach Copenhagen within only 2,5 hours from Hamburg.


What challenges does this relationship face now? 

On the back of the corona crisis and the current energy crisis looming in Europa, it is important to remember that fragmented national responses are not the solution to deal with the problems we are facing today.


Would you like to pursue a career related to the German-Danish relationship?

It is not alien for me to some extent being involved in or working within the sphere of the German-Danish relationship.


How do you like living in Hamburg?

Hamburg is a marvelous city. It has this north European atmosphere which I very much like, its clean, the people are kind and the city due to its size has a lot to offer. Compared to Berlin, I found it was easier to settle in and adapt, and although Münster is also a very beautiful city, its rather small compared to the vivid life in Hamburg.




Emma Schimmel