Publication of Bucerius Law School's first annual research review

Bucerius Law School released its first annual research review with the publication “Bucerius”

For the first time, it was decided to move away from a traditional research report listing each publication. Instead, the research review “Bucerius” was thematically and editorially prepared to present the university’s research fields in an appealing and modern layout. The professors’ complete publications are still available on the Bucerius Law School website. Links under each article in the review lead to the relevant website content.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Katharina Boele-Woelki, president of Bucerius Law School, said: “The review reflects our university’s very impressive research profile that contributes significantly to Bucerius Law School’s top position in the German university community. We want the review to invite exchange and co-operation of high scientific level, and we look forward to future research projects.”

Electronic version of the review (PDF, in German)

Two samples

Innovation as a challenge - also for the law.

Throughout his career, there is one topic Professor Wolfgang Hoffman-Riem has never lost interest in: how social change and the law are related to one another. How should the law be reformed so that it can adequately react to societal demands while still preserving opportunities and minimizing possible risks? Would these challenges be best overcome through including related social sciences in discussions of possible law reform?

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Autonomy in the law: How free is a person? What role does autonomy play in the law?

Professor Anne Röthel, Chair of Civil Law, European and International Private Law at Bucerius Law School, explores this question.

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