We are honored that Shannon Salter will make time in her busy schedule to hold a supplemental lecture in the Summer Program in Legal Technology and Operations in 2024. Ms. Salter is Deputy Minister to the Premier, Head of the BC Public Service and Cabinet Secretary with the government of British Columbia. Her lecture will focus on Online Dispute Resolution and Public Justice Reform.
We caught up with her when she was on campus last year and asked her a couple of questions about her experience teaching in the summer program.
How does it feel being back at Bucerius?
It feels great! I love teaching, and the students are so diverse, intelligent, and thoughtful. I learn at least as much from them as they do from me. The Bucerius campus is so lovely, so it's a beautiful way to spend some summer days.
Why is it important that students learn about the role of legal technology in access to justice early?
Technology alone cannot solve the access to justice crisis - used badly, it can even worsen it. But user-centered design, building processes around the needs of those who need to use them, will inevitably mean including technology tools to increase access and transform processes. Learning how to think critically about the justice system is key to redesigning outdated processes to increase accessibility.
Anything else you might want to say to future students about online dispute resolution?
Online dispute resolutions about putting people at the centre of the justice system, understanding their needs, empowering them with information and choices, and helping them resolve their problem quickly and fairly so that they can move on with their lives.