“The Importance of German Corporate Law in The Debate Over Corporate Personhood in the US”

Lecture by Kent Greenfield, Professor of Law and Dean’s Research Scholar at Boston College Law School

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Organized by The Institute for Corporate and Capital Markets Law at Bucerius Law School.

The topic focuses on the question of corporate „personhood“ – whether corporations should be able to claim constitutional rights, a question which has been discussed lively in the US since the Supreme Court decided the Citizens United case in 2010. Emphasizing the possible constraint on corporate power through corporate governance techniques, Greenfield’s view on corporate personhood is also influenced by the German model of corporate law.

Kent Greenfield teaches and writes in the areas of corporate law, constitutional law, decision making theory, legal theory and economic analysis of law. Among his widely cited publications are also the books “The myth of choice”, published in 2011 from Yale University Press and “The Failure of Corporate Law”, published 2007 by University of Chicago Press, which has been called “simply the best and most well-reasoned progressive critique of corporate law yet written”.
He is past Chair of the Section on Business Associations of the American Associations of Law Schools and founder and president of the Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (FAIR) and also consults with litigators on issues of corporate accountability.

The Lecture is open to students, academics and legal practitioners. If you wish to attend, please send us an email (iukr(at)law-school.de) by Monday, May 11, 2015.