Legal Technology and Operations

Combine the Master of Law and Business with a specialization in Legal Technology by participating in one elective. Additionally, you may join our free online series.

Understand the future of legal services

How will law firms of the future use technology and alternative providers to improve their services for clients? How can we use algorithms to predict court decisions? How can computer programs support lawyers in their daily work?

Legal technology is changing the way law is practiced.  This technology will lead to some areas of law practice becoming less prevalent, while other areas gain in importance. Master of Law and Business Program students interested in technology and its influence on law practice both today and in the future can take part in our free online series in spring. 

Those students wishing to take an MLB elective module in Legal Technology and Operations can do so by combining participation in this online series with the instruction given in the Master of Law and Business Program.

For those Master of Law and Business students with an even greater interest in legal technology, the MLB Program offers a Legal Technology Specialization, which consists of the Legal Technology elective module, an internship in the area of Legal Technology, and the writing of a master’s thesis focused on that topic.

Addy at Graduation

An eye-opening experience and chance to learn from field pioneers

"The Summer Program in Legal Tech was an intense three weeks spent learning about the fuzzy future of law, law firms and legal practice in light of developing technologies. The program opened my eyes to completely unknown potential disruptors working hard to redefine the role of the future lawyer and offered an unparalleled opportunity to learn from the pioneers in Legal Tech from across the globe. In the end, it gave me the confidence to pursue my master's with a specialization in Legal Tech at Bucerius."
Addy, India, MLB Class of 2019, Legal Tech Summer Program 2018

Complementary knowledge to prepare for challenges in professional life

"The Legal Tech Summer Program complements knowledge acquired during the Master of Law and Business with a solid introduction to themes like machine learning, product development and legal design. Bucerius makes a point that the learning of law is becoming increasingly more interdisciplinary, and combining both programs makes me feel more prepared for the challenges that lie ahead in my professional life."
Daniel, Brazil, MLB Class of 2019, Legal Tech Summer Program 2018