Institutes and Centers

Bucerius Law School is home to various research institutes and centers, each with its own distinctive academic focus.

Institutes offering information in English

Legal Technology and Data Science

IP, Media and Technology Law and Policy

International Dispute Resolution

Institute for Foundation Law

Institutes offering information in German

Unternehmens- und Kapitalmarktrecht

Stiftungs- und Non-Profit-Recht


Notarrechtliches Zentrum Familienunternehmen


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Institute for Corporate and Capital Markets Law

The Institute for Corporate and Capital Markets Law (ICCML) aims to contribute to the national and international academic discussion in the following areas: 

  • Financial Markets and Corporate Finance,
  • Corporate Governance,
  • Compliance Public Takeovers,
  • Corporate Restructuring.

The ICCML has three directors:

The Institute organizes the annual Hamburg Forum, which covers current issues of corporate and capital markets law and related areas of law. The presenters at the Hamburg Forum are renowned academics and practitioners. Furthermore, the Institute undertakes research projects in corporate and capital markets law. Last but not least, the ICCML promotes academic education in corporate and capital markets law at Bucerius Law School.

Continue to ICCML website

Institute for Foundation and Non-Profit Law

The Institute for Foundation Law and the Law of Non-Profit-Organisations was initiated by the ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS on 28th September 2001. It emphasizes the character of Bucerius Law School as product of a private foundation’s initiative.

Research fields include law of foundations, charitable corporations, as well as their taxation. Moreover, the Institute engages in interdisciplinary research, particularly with economic and social sciences on philanthropic behaviour. The Institute stimulates developments in the law of charitable entities in Germany and Europe. Beyond its academic activities, the Institute has built a reputation as an independent think tank and link between science, praxis and politics.

More about the Institute

Center for Family Business Law

Hamburg's Hanseatic identity has always been defined by its merchant families and their entrepreneurial spirit. Thus, developing the legal groundwork of family-owned companies is a day-to-day business for the city's notaries. At the same time, anticipating and identifying legal challenges to guideline legal practice lies at the core of Bucerius Law School's mission. For that reason, Bucerius Law School, along with the German Association of Public Notaries and the Hamburg Chamber of Public Notaries, initiated the Center for Family Business Law in 2010.

The Center is further supported by the "Johanna and Fritz Buch Gedächtnis-Stiftung". By resolution of the Academic Senate on July 20, 2012, Bucerius Law School established its Center for Family Business Law.

The Center for Family Business Law considers itself a place of academic exchange. Its ambition is to systematically analyze and develop the comprehensive legal framework in which family businesses operate. A further objective of the Center is to conduct fundamental research on upcoming questions across different areas of law and economics. The Center organizes regular events and publishes conference proceedings to make findings accessible to the public.

More about the center (German only)

Center for Transnational IP, Media and Technology Law

The Bucerius IP Center provides research and education aimed to raise the awareness and understanding of global issues of knowledge governance in the fields of Intellectual Property, Technology and Media Law and to contribute to scholarship in these fields.

The Center proposes to provide an international forum that facilitates exchanges among academia, government, industry and representatives of the public interest and welcomes contacts and initiatives meant to forge intellectually stimulating and productive partnerships.

Consistent with the overall standards of Bucerius Law School, the Center's programs strive to be innovative, internationally focused and of the highest academic quality.

Continue to the Center's website

Center for International Dispute Resolution

The Center for International Dispute Resolution (CIDR) at Bucerius Law School is intended to provide an institutional framework and a forum to explore, discuss and develop issues arising in connection with the resolution of disputes having an international/transnational element.

The founders and directors of the CIDR, Prof. Stefan Kröll and Prof. Karsten Thorn, are well known experts in the field of dispute resolution and frequent speakers at national and international conferences.

More about the CIDR