1st Panel on Nudging and Design Decisions

Nudges are measures that fully maintain the freedom of choice of individuals yet manipulate the decision-maker towards a predefined desired direction.

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The result is called a Design Decision. Governments have quickly realized the potential of this behavioral-science-based influencing technique. Most major western democracies have been eager to implement so called Nudge Units as an assistance to legislation. Those councils frequently advise their government on how to use Nudges to steer their citizens in the direction of “socially desirable” behavior. This panel discussion will serve as an introduction into nudging, question the use of Nudges in Germany and shed light onto a German government institution often entitled “Nudge Unit”.

System 1 Nudge: Targets your automatic processing and is effective mostly sub-consciously.
E.g.: The federal government requires airlines to charge people, with their airline tickets, a specific amount to offset their carbon emissions (about 10 EUR per ticket); under the program, people can opt out of the payment if they explicitly say that they do not want to pay it.

System 2 Nudge: Targets your deliberative processing, conscious.
E.g.: The federal government requires food to be labeled with clearly visible nutrient content tables, showing calories and nutrients contained.

Language: English


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