Meet: Gaby – Bucerius Summer Program student from Mexico

Each summer, people from all over the world come to Hamburg to take part in the Bucerius Summer Programs. Here, they share their experiences.

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What is your academic and professional background?

Bachelor’s Degree in Law and Master of Business Law by La Salle University; Postgraduate Degree in Corporate Law by ITAM

Worked as LATAM in-house legal counsel at Newell Brands; Currently working for a tech company called “HERE Technologies” as Sr. Legal Counsel for the AMER Region.


Why did you choose to participate in the IP Licensing Summer Program?

The company where I’m currently working is a global company which requires to be flexible in terms of support and interaction with other teams and customers around the globe, mostly within Europe. That’s the reason why I thought it was time to learn more about European legislation in the IP field.


In what way is studying with a diverse group beneficial, in your opinion?

Having the opportunity to share the classroom with people from all around the globe provides you a new perspective, which allows you to understand other points of view that may be applied in practice when negotiating.


How did the Google site visit and OpenLap Mobile workshop contribute to the learning experience in the program?

The OpenLab workshop is an example of why lawyers should have more interaction with the products and be more involved in the processes led by engineers/inventors/developers, as this allow lawyers to better understand and put on paper what actually needs to be addressed in order to protect the IP of a company.

The Google workshop is another great example of the complexities a tech lawyer faces in a daily basis, not only regarding regulations or the lack of them,  also the fact the technology field is in constant change including the challenges we face in an international environment. The Google workshop was super helpful to identify the main topics we should take into account when negotiating a contract. It was the perfect combination between theory and practice.


What is the most interesting thing you learned academically and personally during the summer program?

Academically I learned a lot about German law and how similar is to Mexican law, in some subjects as both are civil law. However, I was a bit surprised how strict German law can be and that the common sense based on my previous studies may not be applicable as Germany has lots of extremely interesting exceptions that worth studying.

Personally, I’m super grateful for having the opportunity to get this experience, making friends for life and building a strong professional network.



Spend your summer at Germany's leading law school. Bucerius Law School offers two challenging three-week summer university programs. Taking part in a Bucerius Summer Program is a rewarding experience for law students seeking to expand their domestic legal training.

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What new knowledge are you going to put into practice?

I had the opportunity to improve my negotiation skills. Negotiating it is part of the activities I carry out daily and my new skills will certainly have a positive effect on my professional development. The program also helped me develp more self-confidence.

I consider the opportunity to be able to discuss our interactions among colleagues and highlight positive points and areas of opportunity to be extremely beneficial.


Who would you recommend the program to?

I recommend this program to any lawyer eager to  learn from others (colleagues and lecturers); and to those who develop and perform their work in  an international environment.


How did you like Hamburg?

Hamburg is just a beautiful city; super clean, super green! the people is super welcoming, great public transport, you will LOVE it!


Is there anything you would like to share with future international students at Bucerius?

Live the moment, learn as much as you can and mostly be open to meet and create new connections.


Gaby, thanks for the interview.


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