Meet: Krícia – MLB student from Brazil

Each year people from all over the world come to study the Bucerius Master of Law and Business. In the Meet interviews they tell their stories.

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Where did you work before coming to Bucerius Law School?

International Arbitration has always been my preferred field of practice. I was fortunate to gain valuable insights into this ever-evolving business since the very first year in law school. I have participated in both the Willem C. Vis Moot and the FDI Moot, which shaped every aspect of my professional path.

My previous work experience was for a boutique arbitration law firm based in Lisbon, Portugal. Before that, I worked for an Argentinian investor-state arbitration firm and also for a major law firm in Brazil in the crisis management sector.

Why did you decide to study in Germany?

I have always felt more inclined towards Civil Law, rather than Common Law, and Germany is one of the leading jurisdictions in academic research.

As a civil law country with profound individualities, German legal academia has inspired lawmakers and legal professionals around the globe. I wanted to get a first-hand view into this academically exciting universe offered by a top-tier German university. Moving to the center of my interest was a logic step for me!

Apart from that, Germany offers stability when it comes to social well-being, politics and economics, something I have missed in my own country. The country is rich in history, amazingly international in its bigger cities and, therefore, an amazing country to live in!

What makes the MLB program special in your opinion?

As a civil law country with profound individualities, German legal academia has inspired lawmakers and legal professionals around the globe. I wanted to get a first-hand view of this academically exciting universe offered by German universities.

The MLB Program offers an ideal combination of both practice and theory as much as of law and business topics. Especially the latter aspect is often neglected by lawyers, so gaining a better understanding of business aspects has always excited me. We are a diverse group of amazing individuals from all over the globe. This diversity continues to inspire me on a daily basis.

The MLB program boasts an amazing quality of professors. It as challenging as rewarding and therefore a perfect pick for me!

What are the biggest differences between Brazil and Germany?

Where do we start? Aside from the obvious stereotypes, for me, the weather and food play out to be decisive elements that I miss on a daily basis. Other than that, I find that the core differences are much more related to the inner aspects, rather than external ones. For instance, Brazilians have a different sense of nationality than Germans do.


What’s an experience in Hamburg, that is completely new to you?

I have never lived in a country in which I did not speak the mother tongue before moving there. If I am being honest, in the beginning I was quite scared I would not fit in. Much to my surprise, I am lucky enough to say that I have met the most wonderful people, who are extremely patient with my learning process and who have made me feel like Hamburg could become my home.

I would advise anyone coming to engage in as many local activities as possible, it made quite a difference for me. Apart from that, winter coats are and will always be unflattering and I miss feeling my feet while outside!

You worked as a Research Associate. What are your future career plans?

I am currently employed as a Research Associate at Baumann Resolving Disputes, here in Hamburg. After graduating from BLS, I want to pursue a PhD in the field of international law. I can well picture myself as a „hybrid“ in both academia and international arbitration practice.



Each year people from all over the world come to study the Bucerius Master of Law and Business. In the Meet interviews they tell their stories. Click here to get to know the other students.



Which role will German law play in the future for you?

Admittedly, the answer to this question stands and falls with my (future) command of the German language. I am eagerly improving my language skills.

Even though I am deep rooted in International Law, I have to come to realize that learning German law has been a pleasant experience (shocking?!). For now, I do not plan to pursue the Staatsexamen anytime soon, but you never know what the future withholds ..

How do you like living in Hamburg?

Hamburg is a vibrant city that has so much to offer. I love its variety when it comes to culture, outdoor activities and public infrastructure. BLS has received me with open arms. I thoroughly enjoy living and studying in this lovely city!


Kricia, thanks for the interview!




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