Legal Operations-Spezialist Mitch Kowalski am 06.12. an der Bucerius Law School

Hamburg Legal Tech Meet Up findet in Kooperation mit dem Bucerius CLP statt

Executive Education |

Innovation through legal technology is in full swing, with so many new partnerships and investments in AI being announced in the legal press that it can be difficult to keep track. But what is going on outside our own national legal tech space? What is happening in other markets? Is implementation as widespread as we are led to believe? What challenges do legal technology providers face in other countries? Who drives innovation in other legal systems?

Join Mitch Kowalski, Visiting Professor in Legal Innovation at the University of Calgary, legal tech board member, author, and legal services entrepreneur at the next Hamburg Legal Tech Meetup on 6th December at Bucerius Law School (Room U 56) at 7 pm.

Mitch has a unique perspective on the redesign of legal services having been both a partner in a major international law firm, an in-house lawyer and a legal services entrepreneur. His insights into the Canadian legal tech scene and what still needs to be done to bring law into the technology age will give us much food for thought.

Afterwards there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas with the speaker and the other participants over a few snacks and drinks.

For further information contact <link mail window for sending> or


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