Every year, American Friends of Bucerius offers a visiting professorship funded by the Max Kade Foundation to a law professor to teach a seminar at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany. The program puts a spin on the tradition of study abroad, by placing the educators into different cultures, instead of the students.
This fall, the Max Kade Professor will be Professor Charles D. Booth, Director of the Institute of Asian-Pacific Business Law at the William S. Richardson School of Law at the University of Hawaii, who will teach a course on Comparative Corporate Bankruptcy Law. Mr. Booth received his Bachelor of Arts in History from Yale University, and his Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School. He also served as a Carlsmith Ball Faculty Scholar at William S. Richardson School of Law from 2012-2014. Previously Professor Booth lived and taught abroad for 16 years at the University of Hong Kong, and has also taught in the Philippines, Japan, Australia, and Korea.
Professor Booth had this to say about his upcoming position:
“I am honored to have been selected as the 2016 Max Kade Visiting Professor at Bucerius Law School. I have read about the many accomplishments of the law school and look forward to working with your faculty and students. It will be a pleasure to teach Comparative Corporate Bankruptcy Law to students from over 20 countries. With such a diverse student body, we should have a stimulating exchange of views in our classroom.”
All-in-all Professor Charles has 30 years of experience in comparative and cross-border insolvency and commercial law. Clearly no stranger to inter-cultural education, Professor Booth will no doubt bring a unique and multifaceted perspective to his course at Bucerius Law School.