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Publications & Lectures
The publications of our contributors cover various facets of international dispute resolution. Below you can find a selection of these publications.
- Fälle zum Internationalen Privatrecht: mit internationalem Zivilverfahrensrecht (eng: Cases in Private International Law: including Rules of International Civil Procedure), 4th edition, C.H. Beck 2009, co-authors Angelika Fuchs and Wolfgang Hau
- Internationales Privatrecht: einschließlich der Grundzüge des internationalen Zivilverfahrensrechts (eng: Private International Law: including Rules of International Civil Procedure), 9th edition, C.H. Beck, 2007, co-author Bernd von Hoffmann
Edited Books and Journals
- Strukturelle Ungleichgewichtslagen in der internationalen Streitbeilegung. Symposium in Gedenken an Bernd von Hoffmann (eng: Structural Imbalances in International Dispute Resolution. Symposium in Memory of Bernd von Hoffmann), Peter Lang 2016, co-editors Jens Kleinschmidt, Herbert Kronke, Thomas Raab, Gerhard Robbers
- Europäische Einflüsse auf den deutsch-italienischen Rechtsverkehr (eng: European Influences on German-Italian Legal Relations), C.F. Müller 2013, co-editors Anne Röthel Susanne Frank, Alberto Malatesta, Jan von Hein; the book constitutes the 25th edition of Erik Jayme, Heinz-Peter Mansel, Thomas Pfeiffer, Michael Stürner (eds), Jahrbuch für Italienisches Recht
- Since 2015: IPRax Praxis des International Privat- und Verfahrensrechts, Gieseking Verlag, co-editors Dieter Henrich, Burkhard Hess, Bernd von Hoffmann, Erik Jayme, Herbert Kronke, Heinz-Peter Mansel
Articles in Journals and Edited Volumes
- Parallelverfahren nach der Brüssel Ia-VO oder "wie man einen Torpedo entschärft" (eng: Parallel Proceedings According to the Brussels Ia Regulation or 'How to Defuse a Torpedo') in Wolfgang Hau, Hubert Schmidt (eds), Trierer Festschrift für Walter F. Lindacher zum 80. Geburtstag (C.H. Beck 2017) 405 (co-author Patricia Paffhausen).
- Das Pechstein-Urteil des BHG - ein Freibrief für die Sportschiedsgerichtsbarkeit? (eng: The Pechstein judgment of the BHG - a license for sports arbitration? [2016] IPRax 426 (co-author Caroline Lasthaus)
- Schiedsvereinbarungen in Fällen struktureller Unterlegenheit. Hinreichende Schutzmechanismen oder Regelungslücken (eng: Arbitration Agreements in Cases of Structural Inferiority. Sufficient Safeguards or Regulatory Gaps) in Jens Kleinschmidt and others (eds), Strukturelle Ungleichgewichtslagen in der internationalen Streitbeilegung: Symposium in Gedenken an Bernd von Hoffmann (Peter Lang 2016) 133
- Die Revision der Brüssel I-Verordnung und ihre Auswirkungen auf den deutsch-italienischen Rechtsverkehr (eng: The Revision of the Brussels I Regulation and its Effects on German-Italian Legal Relations) in Anne Röthel and others (eds), Europäische Einflüsse auf den deutsch-italienischen Rechtsverkehr (C.F. Müller 2013) 61
- Internationale Zuständigkeit bei Persönlichkeitsverletzungen durch Massenmedien (eng: International Jurisdiction for Violations of Personality by Mass Media), in Herbert Kronke and Karsten Thorn (Hrsg.), Grenzen überwinden - Prinzipien bewahren. Festschrift für Bernd von Hoffmann zum 70. Geburtstag, Bielefeld 2011, S. 746-762
- Country Report 'Germany', in Debattista and others (eds), Transfer of Ownership in International Trade (Wolters Kluwer 2011) 203
- The Effect of Overriding Mandatory Rules on the Arbitration Agreement, in Franco Ferrari and Stefan Kröll (eds), Conflict of Laws in International Commercial Arbitration (Sellier European Law Publishers 2010) 187 (co-author Walter Grenz)
- Gerichtsstand des Erfüllungsorts und intertemporales Zivilverfahrensrecht (zu OGH 2. 9. 2003 - 1 Ob 123/03z) (eng: Jurisdiction of the Place of Performance and Rules of Intertemporal Civil Procedure (case note to OGH 2. 9. 2003 - 1 Ob 123/03z)) [2004] IPRax 354
- Country Report 'Germany', in Debattista and others (eds), Transfer of Ownership in International Trade (Kluwer Law International 1999) 181
- Termingeschäfte an Auslandsbörsen und Internationale Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (eng: Forward Transactions at International Exchanges and International Arbitration [1997] IPRax 98
- Grenzüberschreitende Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen in Kreditverträgen zur Finanzierung von Börsenspekulationen (eng: Cross-Border Choice of Forum Clauses in Credit Agreements With the Aim of Financing Stock Speculations) [1995] IPRax 294
- Verbrauchergerichtsstand nach EuGVÜ und örtliche Zuständigkeit (eng: The Consumer Forum According to the Burssels Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters of 1968 and Territorial Jurisdiction) [1994] IPRax 426
- Conference Report: Staatliche Hoheitsmaßnahmen und Schiedsgerichtsverfahren. Kolloquium der DIS in Köln (eng: Sovereign Measures of a State and Arbitral Proceedings. Colloquium of the DIS in Cologne) [1996] Betriebsberater Beilage 15, 15
- International Commercial Arbitration - A Transnational Perspective, American Casebook Series, West Law (co-authors Tibor Várady and John J. Barceló III)
- Conflict of Laws in Arbitration, Sellier 2011 (co-editor Franco Ferrari)
- International Arbitration and International Commercial Law: Synergy, Convergence and Evolution - Liber Amicorum Eric Bergsten, Kluwer 2011 (co-editors Loukas A. Mistelis, P. Perales Viscasillas and V. Rogers)
- Arbitration in Germany - The Model Law in Practice, 2nd ed. Kluwer Law International 2015 (co-editors Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel and Patricia Nacimiento)
- Arbitrating Foreign Investment Disputes - Procedural and Substantive Legal Aspects, Kluwer Law International 2004 (assistant aditor - editor Norbert Horn)
- Comparative International Commercial Arbitration, Kluwer Law International 2003 (co-authors Julian D. M. Lew and Loukas A. Mistelis)
- Ergänzung und Anpassung von Verträgen durch Schiedsgerichte (eng: Gap Filling and Contract Adaptation by Arbitral Tribunals), Carl Heymanns Verlag 1998
Book Contributions
- Enforcement of Investment Awards, in Bungenberg/Griebel/Hobe/Reinisch (eds), International Investment Law (C.H. Beck - Hart - Nomos 2015) 1482
- Materiellrechtliche Einwendungen im Exequaturverfahren bei Schiedssprüchen - Zeit für eine Neujustierung (eng: Substantive Objections in Exequatur Proceedings of Arbitral Awards - Time for a Readjustment), in Geimer/Kaissis/Thümmel (eds), Ars aequi et boni in mundo: Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Rolf A. Schütze (C.H. Beck 2015) 305
- Arbitration and the CISG, in Schwenzer/Atamer/Butler (eds), Current Issues in the CISG and Arbitration, (Eleven International Publishing 2014) 59
- The Public Policy Defence in the Model Law Jurisprudence: The ILA Report Revisited, in Bachand/Gélinas (eds), The UNCITRAL Model Law after 25 years: Global Perspectives on International Commercial Arbitration (Juris Publishing 2013) 139
- Arbitration, in Smits (ed), Encyclopedia of International Comparative Law, 2nd ed., (Edward Elgar Publishing 2012) 88
- Arbitration and Insolvency - Selected conflict of laws problems, in Ferrari/Kröll (eds), Conflict of Laws in Arbitration (Sellier 2011) 211
- The Arbitration Agreement in Enforcement Proceedings of Foreign Awards, in Kröll/Mistelis/Viscasillas/Rogers (eds.), International Arbitration and International Commercial Law: Synergy, Convergence and Evolution - Liber Amicorum Eric Bergsten, 2011.
- The 'Arbitrability' of Disputes Arising From Commercial Representation, in Mistelis/Brekoulakis (eds) Arbitrability: International & Comparative Perspectives (Kluwer 2009) 317
- The 'Incapable of Being Performed' Exception in Art. II (3) NYC, in Gaillard/Di Pietro (eds),Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and International Arbitral Awards: The New York Convention in Practice (Cameron May 2008) 323
- Country Report Germany, in Paulsson/Bosman (eds), ICCA International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration (Kluwer Law International 2007)
- The Renegotiation and Adaptation of Investment Contracts, in Horn/Kröll (eds), Arbitrating Foreign Investment Disputes (Kluwer Law International 2004) 425
- Schiedsverfahren bei Finanzgeschäften - Mehr Chancen als Risiken (eng: Arbitral Proceedings in Financial Transactions - More Chances Than Risks), [1999] ZBB 367
- Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen aufgrund Handelsbrauchs im Rahmen des GVÜ (eng: Forum Selection Clauses by Trade Usage in the Brussels Framework) [2000] ZZP 135
- Die Ablehnung eines Schiedsrichters nach deutschem Recht (eng: Rejection of an Arbitrator Under German Law) [2003] ZZP 195
- Die Pfändung von Forderungen des russischen Staats gegen deutsche Schuldner - Investitionsschutz und Vollstreckungsimmunität (eng: The Seizure of Claims of the Russian State Against German Debtors - Investment Protection and Immunity from Jurisdiction), [2004] IPRax 223
- Die Schiedsvereinbarung im Verfahren zur Anerkennung und Vollstreckbarerklärung ausländischer Schiedssprüche (eng: The Arbitration Agreement in Proceedings for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards), [2004] ZZP 2004 453
- Schiedsklauseln in Satzungen - zur Abgrenzung von Vereinsgericht und Schiedsgericht (eng: Arbitration Clauses in Bylaws - on the Differentiation of Internal Tribunals of Organizations from Arbitral Tribunals) [2005] ZIP 13
- Die Präklusion von Verteidigungsmöglichkeiten im Verfahren zur Vollstreckbarerklärung ausländischer Schiedssprüche (eng: Preclusion of Defenses in Proceedings on the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards), [2007] IPRax 430
- 50 Jahre UN-Übereinkommen über die Anerkennung und Vollstreckung ausländischer Schiedssprüche - Standortbestimmung und Zukunftsperspektive (eng: 50 Years UN Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards - Current Situation and Future Perspective) [2009] SchiedsVZ 40
- Treu und Glauben bei der Vollstreckbarerklärung ausländischer Schiedssprüche (eng: The Principle of "Good faith" in Proceedings for The Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards) [2009] IPRax 145
- The Non-Enforceability of Decisions Rendered in Summary Arbitral Proceedings Pursuant to the NAI Rules Under the New York Convention, [2012] The American Review of International Arbitration 75
- The European Convention of International Commercial Arbitration - The Tale of a Sleeping Beauty, [2013] Austrian Yearbook 3
- Since 2004: Regular summaries of the German jurisprudence on arbitral matters in the SchiedVZ (German Arbitration Law Review)
For the publications of Prof. Dr. Payandeh, please visit the webiste of his chair.
- International Commercial Arbitration - A Comparative Introduction (Elgar 1st ed., 2021) (with Franco Ferrari and John Fellas (Consultant Editor))
- Autonomous versus Domestic Concepts under the New York Convention (Kluwer, 2021) (ed. with Franco Ferrari)
- Due Process as a Limit to Discretion in International Commercial Arbitration (Kluwer, 2020) (ed. with Franco Ferrari and Dietmar Czernich)
- Inherent Powers of Arbitrators (Juris, 2018) (ed. with Franco Ferrari)
- "The Hardening of Soft Law in International Arbitration," 7 European Review of International Arbitration 19 (2019)
- "Inherent Powers of International Adjudicators to Reconsider and Revise their Decisions," 6 European Review of International Arbitration (2018) 127 (2018)
- "Arbitral Praeliminaria – Reflections on the Distinction between Jurisdiction and Admissibility after BG v. Argentina," 29 Leiden Journal of International Law 137 (2016)
- "Regime Interactions between the New York Convention and International Investment Law – On Bridging the Gap between Commercial and Investment Arbitration at the Enforcement Stage," 12 New York University Journal of Law and Business 295 (2016) (with F. Ferrari)
- "Security for Costs in ICSID Arbitration - A Case Note on RSM v. St. Lucia," Arbitration International 1 (2016)
- "Yukos Revisited - A Case Comment on the Set-Aside in Yukos Universal Limited et al. v. Russia," IPrax 478 (2016) (with F. Ferrari)
- Limitations to Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration, in The Cambridge Compendium on International Arbitration (forthcoming) (with F. Ferrari)
- The Law Applicable to the Merits in International Commercial Arbitration, in The Cambridge Compendium on International Arbitration (forthcoming) (with F. Ferrari)
- Weak Parties in International Commercial Arbitration, in The Cambridge Compendium on International Arbitration (forthcoming)
- The Shared Control of Arbitral Awards, in The Cambridge Handbook of Judicial Control over Arbitral Awards 441 (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
- The Law Applicable to Legal Privilege, in Conflicts of Laws in International Arbitration (Franco Ferrari and Stefan Kröll, eds., Juris, 2019)
- Chapters on expropriation, FET, reparation and the backlash against investment protection, in Nutshell on Investment Arbitration (West Academic, 2019)
- Iura Novit Curia in International Law, in Iura Novit Curia in International Arbitration 425 (Franco Ferrari and Giuditta Cordero-Moss, eds., 2018)
- The Rome Regulations in International Arbitration - The Road Not Taken, in The Impact of EU Law on International Commercial Arbitration 245 (F. Ferrari, ed., Juris, 2017)
- Abstract Interpretations in International Investment Law, in Reconceptualising the Rule of Law in Global Governance, Resources, Investment and Trade 331 (Hart Publishing, 2016)
- Early Dismissal of Claims in Investment Arbitration, in Contracting Parties’ Reassertion of Control over International Investment Agreements and International Investment Treaty Arbitration 83 (A. Kulick, ed., Cambridge, 2016)
- Limits to Party Autonomy to Protect Weak Parties in International Commercial Arbitration, in Limits to Party Autonomy in International Commercial Arbitration 417 (F. Ferrari, ed., Juris, 2016)
For our LL.B.-students we offer a specialization in international trade and dispute resolution, while our LL.M./MLB-students have the opporunity to specialize in international commercial arbitration.
In addition to that, our contributors offer several lectures and courses on different areas of international dispute resolution. Below you can find a selection of courses held by our contributors on a recurring basis:
- Arbitration, Professor Larsen and Professor Kröll
- Drafting International Sales Contracts, Professor Kröll
- Grundlagen des internationalen Investitionsschutzrechts (Foundations of International Investment Law), Dr. Rosenfeld
- Internationale Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit (International Commercial Arbitration), Professor Kröll
- Internationales Privatrecht (International Private Law), Professor Thorn
- Internationales Zivilverfahrensrecht (Rules of International Civil Procedure), Professor Thorn
- Legal Issues of Supply and Distribution (Chains), Professor Thorn
- Mediation im internationalen Handelsverkehr (Mediation in International Trade), Professor Thorn
- Moot Arbitration, Professor Kröll
- Transnationales Handelsrecht (Transnational Commercial Law), Professor Thorn