
One of the most attractive features of the Bucerius Master of Law and Business – in cooperation with WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management – is the diverse faculty that includes renowned academics, as well as professors from the practising legal and business communities from both Germany and abroad.


Prof. Christopher Bisping

Dean of the Bucerius Master of Law and Business (LLM/MLB) Program

Program Directors

Prof. Dr. Christina Günther

Program Director Business

Prof. Dr. Carsten Jungmann

Program Director Law


Prof. Dr. Nihat Aktas

Lecturer Business

apl. Prof. Dr. Katrin Baedorf

Lecturer Business

Jernej Bergoc

Lecturer Law

Prof. Dr. Dries Faems

Lecturer Business

Michael Friedman

Lecturer Law

Prof. Dr. Rolf Uwe Fülbier

Lecturer Business

Dirk Hartung

Lecturer Law

Prof. Dr. Daniel M. Katz

Lecturer Law

Prof. Dr. Jörn Axel Kämmerer

Lecturer Law

Dr. Nils Krause

Lecturer Law

Prof. Dr. Stefan Kröll

Lecturer Law

Prof. Dr. Linda Kuschel

Lecturer Law

Estefano Martinez

Lecturer Law

Andreas E. Meier

Lecturer Business

Prof. Dr. Matthias Meyer

Lecturer Business

Prof. Dr. Mehrdad Payandeh

Lecturer Law

Jannick Plähn

Lecturer Business

Sonja Radovic Paul

Lecturer Law

Prof. Dr. Natalia Ribberink

Lecturer Business

Prof. Dr. Rainer Michael Rilke

Lecturer Business

Prof. Dr. Thomas Rönnau

Lecturer Law

Prof. Dr. Markus Rudolf

Lecturer Business

Dr. Jan Peter Schmütsch

Lecturer Business

Assistant Prof. Dr. Barbara Stage

Lecturer Business

Prof. Dr. Karsten Thorn

Lecturer Law

Prof. Dr. Stephan Wagner

Lecturer Business

Prof. Dr. Christiana Weber

Lecturer Business

Prof. Dr. Kilian Wegner

Lecturer Law

Sibylle Weingart

Lecturer Business

Prof. Dr. Peter Witt

Lecturer Business

Dr. Malte Wundenberg

Lecturer Law


The Bucerius Master of Law and Business is accredited by the German Accrediation Council as well as FIBAA.


Detailed course descriptions of all modules, including credit load and lecturers.


Find out about the three official specializations that can be obtained as part of the MLB Program.

Soft Skills & Languages

Details about the MLB's soft skills training and optional German language classes.