Agora for Cumhuriyet

Amnesty International lecture on the freedom of the press.

News EN / Calendar |
  • Muratcan Sabuncu, Masters student in law at Sorbonne university
  • N.N.

In the tense political climate following the coup attempt that took place in Turkey this past July, the thirteen arrests of Cumhuriyet journalists were based on the unfounded claim that its executives had worked with so called “terrorists movements”. The detention of ten of these journalists has made it alarmingly clear just how fragile of a state Turkey's democracy is in today. The journalists were arrested without cause in the early morning of the 31st of October during raids on their homes. Murat Sabuncu, Editor in chief of Cumhuriyet, who is still in prison today, has called not only for his release and that of his colleagues, but also for the release of all journalists currently imprisoned in Turkey. The liberty of expression and that of the press are founding pillars of democracy, and never has it been more important to give homage to these precious rights and to raise the voice in a collective denouncement of their violation.

In the form of an “Agora”, a popular public gathering from ancient Greece, various speakers from human rights organizations and media institutions will talk about the current situation of Turkish journalism and the freedom of the press. Following the great success of the Agora for Cumhuriyet that was held at the Sorbonne University last month, Murat Sabuncu's son, Muratcan Sabuncu (a Masters student in law who was on exchange at Bucerius Law School) with Amnesty International Group of Bucerius Law School will host on homage to his father, his father's colleagues and the liberty of expression and of the press.

The lecture will be held in English.

In cooperation with Amnesty International Student Group Bucerius Law School.
