Bucerius Master of Law and Business Graduation 2018

Bucerius Law School bids farewell to the class of 2018 and welcomes the class of 2019.

On September 4, Bucerius Law School celebrated the 12th Graduation Ceremony of the Master of Law and Business Program. This year’s graduation was marked with the beautiful Hamburg sunshine and a festive buzz on the campus. Around 300 guests, among them family, friends, diplomats, internship supervisors and faculty members, attended the ceremony during which 30 students donned in caps and gowns from 23 countries proudly received their Masters Degree.

Mr. Benedikt Landgrebe, Deputy CEO of Bucerius Law School hosted the event which was opened with a speech from Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Katharina Boele-Wolki, President of Bucerius Law School.

This year’s keynote speech was given by Ms. Tatiana Turculet, a Moldovian/Romanian graduate of the class of 2013.  After several years in Deloitte’s Risk Advisory Department, Tatiana now works in the anti-money laundering field for a division of the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg. She held a motivating speech about how the program has influenced her career choice and how important it is to learn languages, follow your dreams no matter what and never give up believing in yourself and what you can achieve in your life. The interlude was an emotional video tribute to the departing students and afterwards the graduating class were called on stage to receive their certificates.

The prestigious DAAD Prize 2018 for outstanding academic performance and social engagement was awarded to Miquel dels Sants Mirambell Fargas from Barcelona. This year’s Best Teacher Awards for Law and Business were awarded to the Dean of the MLB Program, Professor Clifford Larsen, for his course in Arbitration and to Professor Dr. Stephan Wagner for the course Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

Following the ceremonial enrolment of the Class of 2019, this wonderful evening continued with a reception in the foyer of the Helmut Schmidt Auditorium.