Colloquium on Labor Law for Doctoral Students

Young academics hosted at DLA Piper: From DSGVO, BDSG and automated systems in labor law

Forschung & Fakultät |

On July 7, 2021, after a long break due to the pandemic, a colloquium on labor law for doctoral students was finally able to take place again. This time, the participating doctoral students and the accompanying professors met at the law firm DLA Piper. Some lawyers from the employment law team of DLA Piper also joined the colloquium. Under the current Corona regulations, it was possible to hold the colloquium in person.

During the colloquium, junior researchers had the opportunity to present the (interim) results of their labor law research and gather further ideas for their dissertation projects. At the same time, the colloquium offers an optimal opportunity to exchange ideas and network with other doctoral students.


On this occasion, Charlotte Schindler gave a lecture. Schindler works as a research assistant for Professor Dr. Matthias Jacobs at Bucerius Law School - where she is also completing her doctorate. Her dissertation deals with the possibilities and limits of automated systems in labor law. For the purpose of her dissertation, this refers to systems that evaluate people and make algorithm based decisions. In human resources, such systems can be used in particular to find the best applicant for a vacant position.

Schindler first detailed the technical principles. She then explained the legal requirements that must be met for the use and creation of such systems in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). When it comes to the actual use of an automated system, it is particularly important to take into account the "necessity" requirement set out in Section 26 (1) Sentence 1 of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

The lecture was followed by an intriguing and passionate discussion on the topic.


The evening ended with an informal meeting on the beautiful rooftop terrace of the law firm DLA Piper. All participants would like to thank the law firm DLA Piper - especially Dr. Henriette Norda and Dr. Kai Bodenstedt - for the friendly invitation and the wonderful dinner.


Charlotte Schindler, Arne Lemke Translated by David Patrician