Considerations and Takeaways about the Master of Law and Business

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It comes a point in our lives as young professionals when we start thinking about taking a step further and doing a master's program. In my case, after almost four years of work experience in my native Bogotá, I decided that it was time for me to go abroad and challenge myself with a further education. The question, however, was where to do it. After considering the places, the program offerings and lifestyles on offer, I made the decision to come to Germany.

These are some of the reasons and biggest takeaways that I have gotten so far from the program:

1. Germany:

For several years I’ve been fascinated with the German culture and language. For quite some time now I’ve been learning German and one of the biggest drivers to come to this country was the opportunity to improve my language skills.  In my opinion, learning another language gives you another perspective of the world, and it also gives you a competitive advantage in the professional field. Although the MLB program is taught in English, the university offers many resources for the MLB students to work with the German language. The opportunities to learn are there, it’s just up to the students to take advantage of them!

2. A multicultural environment:

Another very attractive characteristic of the MLB program is the truly unique multicultural environment in which we are immersed. Life in Bogotá is extremely different from life in Hamburg. Whilst Bogotá is a huge metropolis where life moves at very high speed, Hamburg is a smaller city where everything is more relaxed. Being able to make a change in the routine gives a deep appreciation of the different perspectives of life. Furthermore, the constant interaction with other cultures helps you grow personally and gain a deeper understanding of the world, giving you more knowledge on how to build bridges that will help you in the future. It is also a big asset to extend your network further than your home town.

3. The university:

Bucerius Law School has a strong connection with my university in Bogotá. Over the last few years faculty and staff of the Bucerius Law School have visited my city and my law firm to present the program. The unique mixture of law and business at a master level convinced me to enroll in the MLB program. After years of work experience as an attorney, I realized that there were several aspects of my practice where I could definitely improve my knowledge. I believe that these newly acquired skills will make me a much more competent lawyer and enable me to have a more holistic vision of the projects in which I work.  At this moment, while doing my internship in entrepreneurial topics that are not just limited to the legal perspective, I realize just how important the  business perspective is. I have found myself being able to apply the knowledge and tools that I gained in the core courses in that area.

4. Entrepreneurial approach:

One of the most interesting aspects of the MLB program is the strong connection it has to the entrepreneurial and startup scene which is extremely appealing for me since in my prior work experience the involvement with entrepreneurial initiatives was rather limited. I’m currently working to get the specialization in entrepreneurship that the program offers, permitting me a closer interaction with this world at a more “hands on” level.

5. Law Without Walls:

The participation in the Law Without Walls program is something extremely valuable in the MLB program. Participating in a program that challenges the participants to propose solutions to the problems that the legal profession faces through the use of technology, collaboration, leadership, and communication skills, has also provided a very useful insight into the changes that our profession is being exposed to at the moment. In my case, my challenge involves the use of blockchain technology, a concept that was very unfamiliar for me, but the development of my project has helped me become more literate in this field. Furthermore, this project has not only offered me an academic approach, it has also provided me with a network of people and friends from different cultures and parts of the world that will last for many years.


These are some of the reasons that have brought me to where I am right now, and I’m looking forward to seeing where my current experience will take me in the future. I hope this brief article has presented an interesting perspective of the many aspects that need to be considered when making such a big decision like choosing where and how to continue your education, as well as what you can gain from the program, should you choose to take it!


Jean Carlo Arévalo Gutiérrez, Colombia, MLB 2019