Entrepreneurship in education and practice

The MLB students participated in a one-day event at the Joachim Herz Foundation

On February 10th, Bucerius students from the MLB program, professors and business professionals, including MLB alumni met on the beautiful campus of the Joachim Herz Stiftung in the north of Hamburg for a workshop on innovative solutions regarding entrepreneurship in education and practice.

After the opening words of Ulrich Müller, a member of the Executive Board of the Joachim Herz Stiftung and Prof. Clifford Larsen, the Dean of the Bucerius Master of Law and Business Programme, the students were given invaluable theoretical insights into entrepreneurial behaviour and the transformation of an idea into a business. Professor Dr. Witt of the Bergische University in Wuppertal and Lecturer in the MLB program stressed the significance of teaching Entrepreneurship on a university level highlighting the importance of the business facet of the MLB program for a well-rounded understanding of economic interdependences.

Subsequently participants were able to put theory into practice during a mini workshop with opencampu.sh, a think tank aiming at accelerating entrepreneurial behaviour in universities. Based on the concept of “Lean Startup” following the idea of the minimal viable product, the students developed their own ideas by working in teams and presenting them to the audience.

Over lunch the participants were able to reach out to the mentors of the workshop, which was followed by a panel discussion with MLB alumni who successfully managed to start a career in the entrepreneurial world. The panel consisted of Yamila Eraso’13, Early Stage & VC Advisor at the law firm Lacore Rechtsanwälte LLP in Berlin, Vincent Marburger’15, Co-Founder and Managing Director at Marburtini Media, operator of the interactive sports media app BonuScore, and Javier Pimentel’11, Senior Vice President Legal & Compliance at Kreditech in Hamburg. They shared their experience and knowledge of what it means to become and be an entrepreneur with the opportunity for interested students to ask questions on how to effectively enter the start-up scene, which concluded the day.

The Joachim Herz Stiftung has been a benefactor of the the Master of Law and Business Program for many years.


Klaus Heinisch '16