Seeking to further develop our international orientation by actively engaging students, scholars, and expert practitioners from around the globe as members of our academic community, Bucerius Law School is grateful to our New York-based partner institution, American Friends of Bucerius, for their efforts in creating new opportunities for international educational exchange.
Through the generosity of their donors, American Friends of Bucerius is able to make several scholarships available to students who wish to study at Bucerius. The eligibility and selection criteria vary for each scholarship and new funds are being established. Generally speaking, applicants must be enrolled at a Bucerius partner institution in the United States and have been previously accepted for the International Exchange Program or one of the Bucerius Summer Programs.
Is your school is a Bucerius partner?
For more information about the scholarships, contact Sarah Beth Lardie at scholarships[at]buceriususa[dot.]org.