On October 16, a lecture and discussion on the subject of “Sanctions and embargoes – An Examination of the Russian and Iran Embargoes" was held at the Bucerius Law School. Members of the "International and European Law" group of the Bucerius Alumni Association invited two guest speakers Dr. Hartmut Henninger and Dr. Matthias Trennt, both employed by the law firm Graf von Westphalen, to arrange the discussion within a legal context.
The speakers covered details of the various legal norms of both national and EU law and examined the various ways in which trade restrictions can be imposed. These restrictions ranged from simple reporting requirements on approval conditions through to strict prohibitions. In addition to individual measures such as the freezing of funds, other property or service-related measures such as import and export bans which cause several difficulties for the sanctioned countries were also considered.
During the ensuing discussion with the audience, questions regarding the substantive requirements of personal action and the possible circumvention of the prohibitions, for example by establishing a business in third countries were addressed. The lively discussion continued during the subsequent reception, which was kindly provided by the law firm, Graf von Westphalen.