Students celebrate founder’s birthday with volunteer work

Gerd Bucerius Day 2015

Engaging in social projects to benefit the community at large has become a tradition surrounding the birthday of ZEIT-Stiftung founder Gerd Bucerius. On May 20, 2015—one day following what would have been the 109th birthday of the Law School’s namesake—the tradition continued with professors, students and staff embracing the opportunity to become a part of one of eight student-organized project teams.

In addition to supporting the efforts of organizations like the Ronald McDonald House and Stiftung Mittagskinder, a foundation for underprivileged children in Hamburg, participants also led events, such as an afternoon of fun and games for the children of asylum seekers at a local housing complex. In preparation for the children’s party, volunteers worked with facility staff to decorate the building’s courtyard, set up a game area and prepare food. The event kicked off around noon with children and their families sitting for face painting, jumping around an inflatable castle and enjoying cake and items from the grill—a good time was had by all

For the project’s participants, the event offered a glimpse into the day-to-day life of families residing at the facility, many of whom have been living in Germany for several years and envisioned ambitious plans for the future. The day drew to a close with participants coming together for a grilling event on campus. Individuals discussed their project work and experiences while a slideshow offered impressions from the various sites and undertakings.


Franziska Mauritz, Student