More than 70 law students and young practitioners from across the globe have come to Hamburg this summer to explore the answers to these and other similar questions. Within each of the three three-week programs, participants engage in coursework, discussions and exercises to gain experience in the areas of International Business Law, International IP Transactions and Sports Law. Sessions are led by a faculty of legal professionals and professors from Germany and abroad to present a range of views on topics relevant to current practice.
By working together in small groups and taking part in simulations, participants have an opportunity to work through negotiations and practice drafting skills under the guidance of experienced practitioners; they receive personalized feedback to develop skills that they can incorporate into their own professional endeavors.
With visits to multinational concerns such as Google and Airbus or well-known associations such as the HSV, a Hamburg-based sports club, participants also gain insight into current challenges facing the legal practice. Discussions in and outside of seminar rooms are enriched by the diversity of the group, which represents 25 nationalities.
In addition to a full academic program, participants are learning about Hamburg and Germany with city tours and museum visits. Between these activities and numerous campus functions, the three cohorts are able to exchange amongst themselves and broaden both personal and professional networks. On July 30, activities will draw to a close with a competition organized by participants from the sports law program.
The 2017 Bucerius Summer Programs will take place from July 10 – 29, 2017. Additional information will be made available in October with applications accepted from December 2016.