Alternative legal service providers, Amazon law firms, legal tech, cyber attacks, and management mumbo jumbo about agile working and service innovation, and all that without worrying about the daily business of running a law firm. His partners have asked him to come up with a three-year plan to strengthen the firm’s position in its home market and internationally. How should he start? Should he read any of these clever books or articles dealing with development of the legal market?
This article by Markus Hartung and Emma Ziercke first appeared in the book Leaders in Legal Business. Please use this link to access the chapter directy.
Just few years ago, his bookshelf was all doom and gloom: Richard Susskind’s “The End of Lawyers?”, Larry Ribstein’s “The Death of Big Law,” Bruce MacEwen’s “Growth is Dead,” and Mitch Kowalski’s “Avoiding Extinction,” to name but a few … All of these academics with their catchy book titles were not exactly encouraging. Now it seems they are engaging in crystal ball gazing: “Tomorrow’s Lawyers” (Richard Susskind), “Tomorrowland” (Bruce MacEwen), and “The Future of the Professions” (Richard and Daniel Susskind). But what is this one: “Robots in Law: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Legal Services”? So, what does the future hold?
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