UBS Leadership Excellence Program 2014/15

Bucerius Law School hosts Excellence Program for the third time

From 27 to 31 October 2014, the UBS Leadership Excellence Program took place at the Bucerius Law School. Twenty UBS Managing Directors from across the globe attended the program which was organized for the third time by Bucerius Executive Education.

In addition to economic and strategic issues, the participants also discussed leadership questions. Terry Small from The Learning Institute addressed some of these issues in his presentation "Your Brain at Work - Learning to Lead with the Brain in Mind".

Furthermore, the participants worked with Professor Niels Van Quaquebeke, Fellow of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession, on the basics of leadership, examining the sub-categories of motivation, learning, emotions and decision making. A day was set aside for a discussion round with Group General Counsel Dr. Markus Diethelm and Group Head of Human Resources Dr. Sabine Keller-Busse about UBS culture and the changes required as a result of the financial crisis. Finally, the participants had the opportunity to present cases from their practice experiences and could discuss issues and receive advice from their colleagues.

In addition to the intellectual content participants also had time for a cultural program including walks together in Blankenese as well as a visit to the Bucerius Kunst Forum exhibition "Pompeii. Gods, Myths, man." The week was an all-round success for all involved.

Bucerius Law School looks forward to welcoming the participants back to Hamburg in the spring of 2015 for the second week of UBS Leadership Excellence Program.


Dr. Nicola Byok, Project-Manager Bucerius Executive Education