The Network for Artificial Intelligence and Law is extremely pleased to welcome Prof. Tanel Kerikmäe and Prof. Thomas Hoffmann (TalTech University,…
Daniel Martin Katz is Academic Director of the Center for Legal Technology and Data Science at Bucerius Law School, professor at Chicago-Kent College…
Ringvorlesung #5 aus der Reihe "New Frontiers in Law and Economics" von Prof. Dr. Hans-Bernd Schäfer
The Network for Artificial Intelligence and Law (NAIL) invites you to its next event.
To what extent can asylum seekers live their sexual, political, religious identity ‘freely and openly’?
The United Nations Association of Poland and Germany (Northern Division) invite you to discuss together with Dr. Guchi (WHO Country Representative for…
Legal Tech & Innovation – from Chan(g)e to Chan(c)e
Presented by the Bucerius Amnesty student group
NAIL Research Seminar Series
Fourth lecture in the lecture series on law governing sex offenses