Professor Dr.
Christian Bumke
Commerzbank Foundation Chair Fundamentals of Law

Jungiusstr. 6, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 40 3 07 06 – 236 (Secretariat) or – 237
Fax: +49 40 3 07 06 – 259
E-Mail: christian.bumke(at)
Research focus
Research on and Reconstruction of Legal Thinking and Working in Germany in the 19th and 20th Century. Fundamental Issues of Public Law, especially General Doctrine regarding Fundamental Rights, Doctrine regarding Forms of Action within the Administrative Law, Judge-made Law (Case Law), and Private Rule-making (Private Legislation).
Christian Bumke, born on January 20, 1963, studied law at the University of Regensburg from 1984 to 1985 before transferring to and continuing his law studies at the University of Cologne from 1985 to 1991. He completed the First Legal State Exam in 1991 before receiving a two-year scholarship from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (German National Academic Foundation) in 1993. He worked as a teaching and research assistant at Humboldt University in Berlin in the Chair for Political and Administrative Science, specializing in Political and Administration Law under Prof. Dr. Gunnar Folke Schuppert.
Prof. Bumke completed his legal traineeship in Berlin from 1995 to1997. In 1996, he received his doctorate with the dissertation on “The Reservation of Basic Rights” at the University of Cologne, and completed the Second Legal State Exam in 1997. In 1998, he was appointed research associate and lecturer in law and completed his postdoctoral studies in 2003 at the law faculty of Humboldt-University in Berlin. During this time, he received his teaching qualifications for the subjects Public Law, Administrative Law and Theory of Law.
From 2003 to 2004, he held an interim professorship in public law and law & theory of the media at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt. The following year he held a second interim professorship for public law at the Juristic Faculty at Augsburg University.
On April 1, 2005, Prof. Bumke accepted a position at Bucerius Law School and took over the Commerzbank Foundation Chair Fundamentals of Law.