Jessica M. Krüger, MPhil (Cantab)
Research Assistant, PhD Candidate
Chair of Criminal Law II – German, European and International Criminal Law and Law of Criminal Procedure, including Medical Criminal Law, Business Criminal Law and Criminal Tax Law
Jungiusstr. 6, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 40 30706 - 2916
E-Mail: jessica.krueger(at)
I have studied law at Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, Germany, and LUISS Guido, Rome, Italy from 2014-2019, graduating with an LL.B. in 2018 and the First State Examination in 2019, with a scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Organisation.
Since 2018 I am the assistant editor of the medical criminal law journal “medstra” and since 2019 I am a research assistant and PhD candidate at Professor Karsten Gaede. From 2020-2021 I pursued an MPhil (Distinction) in Criminological Research at the University of Cambridge and was awarded the Manuel López-Rey Graduate Prize 2020-21 of the Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge. Since 2022, my PhD is being supported by the German Academic Scholarship Organisation.
Fields of Research
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Procedural Law
- Medical Criminal Law
- Constitutional Law
- Criminology
Selected Publications
- Demokratisierung des Strafrechts am Beispiel der Debatte um die Sterbehilfe in Deutschland: Strafgesetzgebung gegen den „Willen des Volkes“? [The Debate Around Assisted Dying as an Example of Democratising Criminal Law: Criminal Legislation Against the “Will of the People”?], in: Staffler et al. (Ed.), Strafrecht und Demokratie, Nomos 2023, p. 157-178 (Conference Paper, 9th Young Criminal Law Symposium, Zurich 2022)
- Comparing the Decriminalisation of Assisted Dying in Europe, European Journal of Health Law 2023, p. 243-271 (DOI:10.1163/15718093-BJA10101).
- Righting Wrongs? Wiederaufnahmeverfahren zu Gunsten des Verurteilten: ein Vergleich zwischen England/Wales und Deutschland [Righting Wrongs? Procedures to Overturn Wrongful Convictions: A Comparison between England/Wales and Germany], Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft 134 (2022), p. 561-580
- Erweiterte Strafbarkeit des Fälschens und Gebrauchens von Impf- und Testzertifikaten – ausgedehnte Strafbarkeit bei gefälligen Gesundheitszeugnissen [Expanding the Criminalisation of Forging and Using Vaccination Certificates and Testing Certificates], Zeitschrift für Medizinstrafrecht 2022, p. 13-20 (with Professor Karsten Gaede)
- Unrichtige Corona-Impf- und Testnachweise – Alte und neue Strafbarkeitslücken [False Covid Vaccination and Testing Certificates – New and Old Criminal Liability Loopholes], Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 2021, S. 2159-2164 (with Professor Karsten Gaede)
- The Role of Entscheider in the Asylum System – a Legal and Ethical Analysis, (DOI: 10.17879/95189429199) (with Nicolas Kleinschmidt) (Conference Paper, Conference on Studying Migration Policies at the Interface between Empirical Research and Normative Analysis, Bielefeld 2018)