1. Should we learn from other jurisdictions and, if so, how?
The general usefulness of learning from other jurisdictions goes without saying. It is verified by experience without exception. The crucial question "and how?" is much more difficult to answer. My spontaneous answer would be by reading, reading, reading… and by exchange of experience.
2. Which measures are most effective to internationalize legal research?
(a) Internationalization of legal education,
(b) international conferences, and
(c) internationalization of law journals.
3. If you were in charge of designing an international legal research agenda, what three topics would be on your list?
First, business law, including corporate groups; second, competition, including merger control; and, third, insolvency law, including reorganisation.
3 1/2: Which legal publication is a good read?
Zweigert/Kötz, "An Introduction to Comparative Law", 3rd edition, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998 (translated by Tony Weir)
Professor Karsten Schmidt's website