1. Should we learn from other jurisdictions and, if so, how?
Yes, we should always be open to the approaches in other jurisdictions. That may enable exciting insights that a purely national perspective could not provide. Particularly in areas of law such as capital markets law, which must constantly react to new developments and innovations, a lawyer can nowadays hardly do without looking beyond the national horizon. This applies to academia as well as legal practice. Even if a solution found in another country is not suitable for one's own situation, knowledge of that solution may help to find a suitable legal answer. For the “how”, see 2.
2. Which measures are most effective to internationalize legal research?
In my experience, the most useful way to internationalize legal research is to discuss and exchange ideas with foreign academics; joint research projects with foreign scholars are particularly instructive. To facilitate mutual understanding, it is advisable to know other legal systems at least in broad outline – for example, due to a study or research stay abroad.
3. If you were in charge of designing an international legal research agenda, what three topics would be on your list?
- Securities regulation in a comparative-law perspective, including historical developments.
- The legal methodology and methodological approaches in other jurisdictions.
- Legal responses to disruptive technologies.
1/2. What legal article is a good read?
Coase, “The Problem of Social Cost”, The Journal of Law and Economics 1960, 1.