MLB students at LawWithoutWalls 2023 Sprint

LWOW is a part-virtual, experiential learning initiative designed for practicing and aspiring legal and business professionals.

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Given the needs of the new global, complex multi-disciplinary marketplace, successful legal professionals must be creative problem solvers, leaders with a high risk tolerance and business mindset that can use technology, collaboration, leadership, and communication skills to overcome the walls of law.


intersection of law, business and technology 

Therefore, LWOW unites law and business professionals with students from 30 law and business schools around the world to co-create innovative solutions to problems at the intersection of law+business+technology while developing the skills essential to all professionals today. Leveraging intergenerational, cross-cultural, multidisciplinary exchange, LWOW changes mindsets, skillsets, and behaviors. 


LawWithoutWalls Sprint 2023 in St. Gallen

What a weekend! The journey from Pre-Sprint in February 2023, culminating into a power packed three day Sprint over the weekend March 17 until March 19, 2023.

Participants from the current Bucerius Master of Law and Business (LL.M./MLB) Class of 2023 Vineeta DesaiVitaliy KosovychSophia RosenhoeferAntony SmirnovLaura Streubel and Evgeniya Voroniuk as well as the MLB alumna Cemre Ayça Sarıdoğan and alumnus Diego Baranda Westphal, and the dean of the MLB Program, Professor Christopher Bisping, succesfully participated in the 2023 LawWithoutWalls Sprint in St. Gallen, Switzerland. 



A full success

Narrowing down a broad topic to a problem statement, getting real life experience of the challenges being faced by MNCs, Law Firms and the diverse employee base, building something meaningful to aid the law firms dealing with crisis of retaining diverse talent, pitching ideas to the broader audience! And through it all, being guided by the lead hackers and innovation coach and awesome team members.

LWOW has been a fantastic experience of making new friends, gaining new skills and learning from the diverse pool of talent.

Laura (MLB 2023) and her team won the gold, Diego's (BLS Alumni) team won the silver and Prof Bisping's (Dean) team won the bronze. Vineeta's (MLB 2023) and Ayca's (BLS Alumni) team was approached by the Venture Capitalist regarding their idea of DEI and retention of diverse talent, a challenge being faced by law firms and MNCs. 

We congratulate the winners and participants for representing Bucerius. 



Vineeta Desai