Opening of the "Institute for Medical Law"

The newly established Institute for Medical Law opened on February 21, 2018 at Bucerius Law School as part of the third Bucerius Medical Law Day.

Medical law is in many ways blind to the classical subdivisions within the field of law. Liability and social law are constantly at odds. Labor law requirements have an impact on social, public and libel laws. The responsibility of people in the health sector also needs to comply with civil and social law behavioral requirements.

Interdisciplinary - Integration of Theory and Practice – Outstanding Advisory Board

The Institute of Medical Law will examine interdisciplinary questions in correlation with theory and practice. Research and legal – as well as medical - instruction should be equally in focus. The Institute will also concentrate on continuing education.

An outstanding academic advisory board, whose composition reflects various legal areas, a medical approach and interdisciplinary exchange, supports the Institute.

The Institute for Medical Law is headed by two directors from different legal departments: Karsten Gaede, criminal lawyer and the Chair for German, European and International Criminal Law, including medical, economic and tax criminal law at Bucerius; and Professor Dr. Jens Prütting, civil lawyer and junior professor of Family Business Law, also at Bucerius.

High-level activities

The Institute for Medical Law distinguishes itself through its high-level activities. Both directors have been researching medical issues for years and are currently supervising around a dozen medical law dissertation projects. The Institute also organizes three annual events: the Bucerius Medical Law Day, which takes place each spring, the medical criminal law evening in summer and the academic conference in the fall. 

Professor Dr. Katharina Boele-Woelki, Dean of Bucerius Law School, said, “The Institute for Medical Law highlights Bucerius’ interdisciplinary approach and aspirations and makes a central contribution to this. We are pleased to have this diverse field of research now firmly institutionalized at Bucerius.”

Website of the Institute for Medical Law at Bucerius Law School (German only)