Meet: Beste – Student of the 2022 MLB program

Beste Bundur from Turkey is a new MLB student at Bucerius Law School. She explains us how the MLB in Hamburg will help her in being a business lawyer.

Hi Beste, from which country did you come to Bucerius Law School?

I am from Turkey.


What was your experience coming to Hamburg for the first time? Which impressions did you gain of the city?

I think Hamburg is one of the most wonderful cities to live in the world. It is extremely modern, peaceful and safe. You can reach many of the highlights via the underground or the trams. It seems that walking along the Binnenalster lake at Jungfernstieg with a cup of coffee and looking at lovely swans has become a habit of mine.


You obtained an LLB from Yeditepe University School of Law in Istanbul. Which areas it about? Why did you decide to study Law?

I have always been a hardworking student who has a keen interest to read and learn. In addition to that, I enjoy being around people - that’s why I went to law school. At the university, we had a very demanding curriculum under a broad range of law disciplines both in public law and private law.


You served as a counsel in 2017. Which lessons did you learn? How do you think the lessons learnt there will help you during your time at Bucerius Law School?

Participating in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot was an enriching experience which enabled me to think “like a lawyer”. I was resolving an international commercial dispute and I also practiced arbitration as a young law student. It really made a great contribution to my legal writing and negotiation skills.

Looking back on it now, I would say that the most valuable lesson I’ve learned is how to work as a team in a collaborative environment. On the other hand, it was an amazing international experience for learning more about different cultures. I think all these achievements will benefit my education at Bucerius Law School.


You served as a representative for your university for the European Law Students Association. Why is this important to you?

ELSA mainly contributes to interact with other colleagues and learn from different legal systems all around Europe. As the first representative of our university, I organized several meetings with the participation of ELSA Turkey at our university. Being a part of this international network was really important for me, as a young law student, to plan my career path.


What was your job in Turkey before moving to Hamburg?

Before moving to Hamburg, I was working as a lawyer at one of the most-well known law firms in Istanbul. My prior legal experience involves advising both national and international clients in the field of corporate and capital markets law.


Why did you decide to get an MLB? How do you think having an MLB is going to help you pursue your career goals?

I have always been interested in becoming a business lawyer and I believe that a successful one should be able to consider commercial issues as business professionals. Therefore, I think that it is very essential to pursue current market dynamics and commercial practices along with understanding also the legal needs. The Bucerius Law School’s Master of Law and Business is an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented program. I definitely think that having an MLB will broaden my horizons in professional life.


What made you specifically choose Bucerius Law School to pursue an MLB?

First of all, Bucerius Law School is a highly reputable law school that offers an interdisciplinary program in a diverse cultural environment. The program is also very popular among Jean Monnet scholars wishing to have high quality education in English language in Germany. Therefore, I believe that this program will undoubtedly help me to understand different fields of law and business and by the same time enhance my comparative perspective in this regard.


Beste, thanks for the interview.



Florian Helwich, Valeria Veneziano, Arne Lemke